Saturday, December 21, 2013

JKR Portraits ~ My Year in Photos!

     Oh my heart I have been blessed this year! The Client list was absolutely amazing, the opportunities were amazing, and now I am at the end of the year looking back on all I have had the opportunity to be a part of and again, I see, that it was amazing!
     Here's just a glimpse of the wonderful sessions I had the opportunity to shoot. From birthday parties, to engagements, to couples, to beautiful families to precious little children, it truly was an adventure. It was a year of learning, growing, and stretching. With the many late nights and early mornings that have been invested in these photos, I cringe to think exactly how many hours of sleep I didn't get that I should've gotten, and worse, how much coffee I had consumed over the course of the year. :(

     I'm so very thankful for all of those who have supported me in this journey! In our house, it seems that we always find ways to keep ourselves far busier than we need to be. My husband works "all the live long day" and I babysit 5 days a week. On an average day here there is a 2 year old constantly asking to watch his favorite Thomas the Train, a now 1 year old, running all over the place and getting into everything imaginable, and a 7 month old following the crowd. Its a crazy fun place to be!! I took this beginning adventure in photography very slow, not really knowing how deeply I wanted to get involved in it all. At the beginning of 2013 we had a little newborn to care for. I decided to take it slow then, not really knowing how life would be with two boys under 2. It was.....interesting! :) Once we got into the swing of things I decided to start working at it a little bit more.The Lord blessed abundantly with more clients than I had asked for, which I thought was a good thing, and then I began to realize just how crazy and how busy things had become. I had been given some wonderful opportunities, but I missed being able to be JUST wife and mommy. I finally found a rhythm and decided I would only edit on certain days of the week and do my best not to work on things pertaining to photography during the day when I had 3 small children that needed and required undivided attention. Yes, things then got even busier as nearly all of my editing work was done after my husband and children were asleep. Even though I was physically exhausted at the time I finally had a chance to edit photos, I had more peace knowing that things were in their proper place. That made all the difference!!

    So, at the end of the year, looking back, I am still very tired :) but glad to have found some sort of method to the madness. Maybe I am taking on too much all at once, but I am enjoying the journey. I have learned a few things about saying "NO" to other things that get crammed into my life and saying "YES" to my family.I've learned to lean on the Lord a little more today than I did yesterday. My husband tells me constantly that I do not charge enough for how hard I work on my photos and how much work I put into everything else besides the photos. Many times I agree with him, but I like being able to offer affordable prices. I like being able to be a blessing when I can. There may be some changes in the year to come,but they will be good changes. I look forward to being able to offer some new packages. I am also looking forward to the sessions and weddings I already have booked for 2014. Now I have to say thank you to my readers, clients, supporters, friends, and family. Thanks for your encouragement. Thanks for the blessing you are to me. I am so very thankful to the Lord for his abundant goodness to me and for the simplicity and purpose that He gives.

Here's a little gallery of 2013...

Of course, I couldn't help but post the two cute little fellas at the end...who just happen to be my favorites! They're much bigger than this now, but this is one of my most cherished photos I have of them. Thanks to all who have been involved in getting JKR Portraits off and running. It was a wonderful year and I am thrilled beyond thrilled about the next year. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!!

From our family to yours, The Rodgers: Jordan, Kara, Wesley, and Evan


  1. This was AWESOME, Kara!!!! You made me even tear up a little! lol! You do a FANTABULOUS job!!! Thank you for doing our little families photos! I showed Allen his picture and he just smiled! When he saw David and I he said "Da da" with a smile on his face! :) Thank you again for all of your hard work!!! Love ya!!



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